02 October 2009

I have found the best peanut butter. We went to Frulep yesterday (a small, moderately-priced grocery store on the hill opposite us that you can see from our backyard) and I got a couple essentials - tuna ($2 a can) rice cakes (only $1.50!), some water, bananas, and PEANUT BUTTER. There were two options - a normal looking, processed one for $4, and a homemade one for a $1.50 that looked kind of sketch. I, of course, grabbed the homemade one. It is so good. On the label it says Ingredients: peanuts, salt. It's so thick and dry, it has the date it was made (23 June 2009) and the date it expires (23 May 2010) and some name of a town in Rwanda where it's made. The best part, however, maybe the excellent, totally functional and reusable tupperware cup and lid it comes in. Plasticware is hard to find in Rwanda and incredibly expensive, so the fact that this peanut butter is so good and so cheap AND comes with a great cup is almost too much to handle. I've been talking about it for two days straight now.

I just got back from my first run. It was hard. It was nearly 90° when I went (the only time I could go today was in the heat of the day - had to watch the girls this morning and we were going to the goat roast! at 5) and I DIED. There was one point where I thought 'My life is so sick, I'm running in AFRICA right now' but that didn't last very long. The sweat and pain did, though. My face was redder than a baboon's bottom. Aside from not being in shape (I'll get there) and dying from heat, it was really beautiful. I ran around this traffic-circle park that is 2 minutes from our house. The Parliament building where Kagame works is around the circle (2 minutes from our house). There were a couple of dudes sitting in the park and some ladies standing around, they stared at me like I was the biggest moron on earth. I am sure it's a bit weird to see a young white girl running around in circles, looking like she's about to die. Hey, I DID IT. THE END.


Audrey Hørne said...

I am just laughing! Your stories are great, and the images you evoke are even better (goats, staring folks, white girl running in circles) -- keep it up! and thanks for being in Africa so the rest of us lame-o's can live vicariously!!

Audrey Hørne said...

actually that was ME, YER MA, writing, not CLP. don't know why his address came up, but you know it's me.

Rachel said...

No kidding, I laughed too. And then read "chris's" comment and thought, "that doesn't sound like a younger brother." Anyhow, I think I would write an entire blog about peanut butter too . . . I feel ya.

MKM said...

I actually almost sent you with peanut butter because I didn't know if it might be one of those weird things that would be hard to find. Silly me!