03 October 2009

Well, I ventured out of my circle. I got on a mototaxi after having NO IDEA how much the guy was asking me for, so I just volunteered an amount that I was willing to pay and he said yes. I could have paid a million bucks for a two dollar ride - I guess I'll never know. How am I supposed to know? He didn't speak French. I was very nervous, I can't lie to you. Still, brave enough to hang on one handed as I held up a video camera! After about 30 seconds I wasn't nervous anymore, I was loving it. I am so getting a bike; it was glorious.

I'm sitting in the internet cafe now (that was my chosen destination) (really cause it was the only place I knew of) and about to go to Ivuka, the arts center where I'll be working. Time to hop on another moto!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I laughed out loud at your video/music clip. Too funny. There's nothing like skimming along a few inches above the pavement.