26 October 2009

Anna and I brought the chalk out to the street this morning to play with the neighborhood kids. Normally there's three, four, five kids that play with us. Today they seemed to show up in packs. We had a great time coloring and eventually it turned into a mini dance party. I showed Danyire, one of the boys who comes over and plays with the bunnies, how to use my camera, and he took some good pictures.


Ellen said...

i love the energy -- "let's just jump up and down for a coupla minutes here" -- and that's all the fun kids need...amazing. another fun tiny look at your life, thanks bub.

Margaret said...

Hi, Caroline!
For some reason I spaced about the blog, and have been thinking/wondering about you for weeks, and you ma reminded me about the blog--DUH. So I've just read everything from the beginning and am exhilarated, vicariously. The photos are wonderful, and I especially loved seeing the kids dancing and the market (not having to endure the stress of being in it). I really appreciate Colin's (wait, is that the right name?) comment about people staring. I remember that so well from India and Indonesia years ago--it's genuine interest and lack of shame--and don't we really want to stare at people all the time and ask them a hundred questions, but we're not's'pposed'ta. I'm very impressed by your savvy getting a studio space, getting builders in, getting cilantro for 18 cents. Or was it 17?
I want to come visit!
Thanks for the great blog!